Keeping Me On The Right Path
September 14, 2018
Keeping Me On The Right Path

I was married one month after I turned 18.  We were only engaged for 9 months and were very immature, but we thought we were "so in love!"

Luckily and happily, we're going into our sixteenth year of marriage and I have you to thank for the key to our success.  I started reading your books and listening to you shortly after our marriage.  I took every word to heart and loved every call I heard.  

Here's what I've learned from you:
  1. When I focus on how I can be better, everything is better.  

  2. When I show grace and forgiveness to my husband, I get more of the same. 

  3. When I rock his world in the bedroom, I see a change in his everyday demeanor.

  4. When I put in the effort, life is beyond amazing.

I was really shocked the day I realized the power that I held.  I still hold hands with my sweetie every time we go out, and we are each other's first priority.

Thank you for being that voice in my ear keeping me straight on the right path to an always fresh and beautiful marriage.  I also stay home with our kids and we homeschool them and are active in local homeschool groups.


Remember, all of you can send me "letters" too - by email!  Just sign into (or sign up for) the Dr. Laura Family - it's free - and tell us of your experiences. 

Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM