My Kids Actually Listen!
November 5, 2014
My Kids Actually Listen!

Dear Dr Laura:

I discovered you about 5 years ago and I've enjoyed listening to you immensely. Although my liberally raised self sometimes disagrees with you, I find it amusing that I've been living most of your principles all along.

I dated my husband for four years before we married, but mostly because we wanted to wait until we were out of our early 20's. He proposed, I said yes, we got married and had two sons, in that order! 13 years later our boys are 6 and 8 and I am a stay at home mom. I don't let them listen to your show all that often because sometimes the topics are a bit too adult, but trust me they have heard you before and know your voice WELL!  

I never knew they were REALLY listening until the other day when I was with my 8 year old. During the course of our conversation I must have given him one too many pieces of Dr Laura wisdom when he said rather snarkily "I known mom, I can't live with a girl until I get married, I can't have babies until after I'm married and I have to marry a girl who will stay home with our kids!!!". And even though I wanted to scold him for the snarkiness, how could I when I know WE had gotten through to him? 

That was a proud moment for me and I hope is for you as well. I now know I'm raising a real man. I thank you for that.

Much love, 

Jessica in New Jersey

Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM