Panic Attacks and Thyroid Disease
October 14, 2014
Panic Attacks and Thyroid Disease

Hi Dr. Laura - 

I have listened to you since my son was born in 2002. I often hear you take calls from listeners with unexplained panic attacks. I wanted to suggest you also advise your callers to have their thyroid levels checked. 

After my daughter was born in 2004, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. I am in the medical field and so apparently knew more than my less-than-cooperative primary care doctor. She wanted to put me on antidepressants, but I insisted she check my thyroid levels.  It turned out they were off the charts in a bad way. My symptoms ranged from panic attacks to exhaustion and brain fog, hair loss, swollen joints and weight gain despite eating practically nothing. I thought I was going insane. I have always been a skinny minny, so this was extremely frustrating. All the while, my immune system was attacking my thyroid gland and I was swinging from hyper- to hypo-thyroidism. Since my diagnosis, my thyroid has been relatively under control. But in doing more research, I have found that inability to lose weight despite exercising and dieting, unexplained panic attacks as well as exhaustion and depression are all symptoms of Hashimoto's and other thyroid disease. You might want to pass this along to your listeners. 

Thanks for all you do and I look forward to listening to you each day! I have my 10-year-old daughter and 12-year-old son listening to you as well. Many congrats on the marriage of your son. Thanks for all you do. 


Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM