Grateful Wife and Mommy
May 6, 2014
Grateful Wife and Mommy

Hi Dr. Laura,
I've been an avid listener for about 6 years. I recently became a premium family member and love listening to your podcast usually when the baby is sleeping.
I realized today I owe you a big THANK YOU. Luckily, I chose wisely. About 10 years ago before my husband and I married, I learned from you that it is very important to treat him kindly. I've always known I have a wonderful husband, but I now know how great he is. Last summer, I quit my job and in September, we welcomed our first child into our family. I am grateful everyday to stay at home with our little boy and wouldn't change it for anything, although, it's a lot more work than I ever imagined! I appreciate your daily reminder that I can be my husband's girlfriend. He works really hard to bring home the bacon and while I'm still learning to balance being a new mommy, I realize the importance of taking care of my husband, too.
Thank you so much for teaching me to take good care of the man who takes good care of our family.  And thank you, thank you, thank you for getting me to be a stay at home mom. This is an amazing career!

Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM