Recovering Feminist
March 7, 2014
Recovering Feminist

Dr. Laura,

I have been listening to your radio program for about 10 months now on my commute home every day. I know exactly when I started listening because it was when I went back to work after my latest maternity leave. At first, I couldn't believe my ears and thought you were crazy!! I kept listening though, every afternoon in the car and after a while things started sinking in. My perspective has completely changed. I wish I'd come across you sooner because I would have benefited from this guidance, but as you say "we're together now".

I'm a recovering feminist and quit my job to take care of my 2 kids and husband full time now!! I wish for my 8-year-old's sake, I would have come to this realization earlier, but all I can do now is be better for both kids going forward.

Your advice has benefited my marriage, but one specific thing you said really helped and that was for me to be a willing participant when my husband wants sex, whenever he wants it. If I wait till I'm "in the mood" it might never happen particularly with 2 kids, but if I go along with things when he's in the mood, I usually get into it and then it's a win-win for both of us. That was a big revelation for me and my husband thanks you for that! I bought "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands".  My husband saw me reading it, and it made him feel good I cared enough to do that.

I've also learned that working full time was causing almost all of the problems I was having in my household: commuting, dealing with work stress, rushing to pick up the kids, rushing to make dinner, rush…rush…rush. I was so overwhelmed and too tired for everything. My husband and I were constantly at odds with each other, stuff wasn't getting done around the house and my kids were not getting the time they needed from me. After I eliminated the job, suddenly there was time for the most important thing in my life: my little family.  My kids need me - period. As you say, I'm replaceable at work, but I'm not replaceable with my kids. My husband needs my time - period. If I don't have time for my husband, someone else will find the time for him. I am my kids' mom and my husband's girlfriend and I am a happier person for that!

Thank you,


Posted by Staff at 11:01 AM