Consequences Changed My Granddaughter's Behavior
January 15, 2014
Consequences Changed My Granddaughter's Behavior

I am glad to have found you on satellite radio.  I travel a lot and cannot wait for when you are on.

I cannot agree more to your comments to the caller regarding consequences for their child's bad behavior.  If there are no consequences, the child has no reason to alter their behavior. 

My wife and I gained possession of our 13-year-old granddaughter who had very poor manners and behavior. She was living with her mother and because they had moved 10 times in her young life, she had become to much for her mother to handle. I work while my wife manages our home and my wife had issues trying to change my granddaughter's behavior. I became very involved and would not let a problem go by without consequences. If issues developed that were criminal, I got the police involved.  When issues developed at school, I supported their discipline and always went in to show I supported the school and would not make excuses for her. I met a wonderful social worker in the Family-In-Need-of-Services (FINS) program and developed a good relationship with her.  She was able to arrange juvenile detention for my granddaughter after several issues with the law. What made my granddaughter change was having consequences, not giving just a lecture. Yes it was embarrassing. Yes, it made me uncomfortable.  And yes, I would rather be a grandfather (which she reminded me of regularly), but I had to be a parent and a disciplinarian. 

My granddaughter has turned her life around.  She is now 18 and I feel very confident she will be a functioning, moral and law-abiding citizen. It was not easy, but it can be done. I use what I hear on your program regularly and want to thank you for what you do. You have played a major part in helping me, help her. 

Thank you. 


Posted by Staff at 11:00 AM