When Parents Don't Agree on Discipline
December 14, 2015
When Parents Don't Agree on Discipline

By Armit Brott


One of the most common concerns among parents is the on going struggle between two parents on how to discipline their kids. One parent is strict and the other is too lenient or perhaps one parent allows behavior that the other parent finds completely unacceptable. This can cause tension and downright anger and resentment between parents and can really take a toll on the kids as they then learn to play one parent off the other. 

When it comes to the subject of discipline, it is crucial that parents get on the same page!

The following suggestions can help to ease the battles:

1. Agree on a signal that one or both of you recognize the conversation is getting heated and needs to be halted.

2. Make a commitment to honor the signal.

3. Create clear guidelines on what behaviors will be tolerated and what ones will not be allowed.

4. Consider taking a few parenting classes together. When you learn how to approach situations from a fresh perspective that you discover together you are both going to be more likely to respect the concepts and follow through with them.

5. Be open and willing to seek out a third party for professional directions and support.

6. Remember your successes. You and your spouse have no doubt negotiated and compromised many times in the past. Everyone, especially the kids, will win if you can work toward that goal as the number one priority. 

Armin Brott is a Best-Selling author of several books including The Expectant Father. He is also a featured expert for Parentingbookmark.com, a site offering resources on raising caring kids. Permission granted for use on DrLaura.com. 

Posted by Staff at 8:43 PM