My Wife Will Now be My Children's Mommy
April 16, 2014
My Wife Will Now be My Children's Mommy

Dr. Laura, 

A week ago, I was listening to your show and after listening to you tell a caller they needed to put their kids first and ditch the nanny/baby sitter, I felt the conviction because the caller's situation was what my wife and I were in. My wife recently graduated and got her "dream job" making good money.  In her own eyes, she thought she was finally making her parents proud. I always knew what the right thing to do was, but I WAS a push over husband. My wife had worked hard and she deserved this job, but not anymore. After I heard your conversation, I called my wife and told her, "This is totally out of the blue, but I need you to stay home with our children and be their mommy."  Her reaction was not what I expected. I could hear her crying on the other end of the phone while at work, and she told me, "Thank you. I've wanted to talk to you about this and did not want you upset with me, so I have been praying about it."

She put her 2 weeks notice in the following Monday and this coming Monday I am proud to announce my wife will be my children's mommy! God is good! Men don't be afraid to be the backbone of your family. 

Thank you, Dr. Laura.


Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM