My New Attitude
February 13, 2015
My New Attitude

My tip for staying happy at work... 

It was a nice summer Saturday at work. I called dispatch from my last stop to make sure I was done for the day. I then called my wife to make plans to go out. I got back to the yard, dropped the trailer, parked the tractor, did my paperwork, put my stuff away in my locker, then went into the office and gave my paperwork to the dispatcher. He said, "I got another pick up for you to make." I was steaming under my breath, ready to tell him off and go home, but instead I took the assignment, got my stuff, and went to drive the tractor I had parked in the tight spot. Unfortunately, I hit the rear tire of the truck parked next to me, taking the lower step off the gas tank. I was about to explode when I realized could not afford to have anger problems at work. So I changed my attitude. I began to look at going to work just for the fun of it and something I happened to get paid to do. 

I never had a problem going to work after that day. 


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM