Marriage Vows
July 27, 2015
Marriage Vows


These people who are married and thinking about divorcing should think about their marriage vows and decisions they have made. Don't always look at the bad qualities of the other person, we all have bad qualities. It's like when you point a finger at someone, but three fingers are pointing back at you too. Marriage is not easy, but one can make it easy by remembering the decisions we have made to understand where we are at any time. Marriage vows are to remind US all about our commitment to each other and not about the ROCK, the DRESS, and, the PARTY. Maybe if people would think about what is actually happening when they are getting married and not so much on the "WEDDING" they would think twice. 

Thank you for all that you do, especially me, a recovering feminist. You are my daily rehab. 

Lots of love, 


Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM