My Kids Will Always Need Me
January 6, 2014
My Kids Will Always Need Me

Dear Dr. Laura,

I have to tell you thank you for your book, "In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms". I have a beautiful 5 year-old daughter, a 20 month-old son, and we are blessed to be expecting another girl in two months! I have only been a stay-at-home mom since our son was born, but I have to confess I thought it would only last a short time.

When my daughter was 10 months old, I went back to work part time. She struggled and even refused to eat for the 5 hours she was at daycare. My husband and I were worried, but everyone around us told us to toughen up and she'll get through it. A year later I was laid off from my job and had a "reason" to be home with her. It was wonderful. Again, though, I felt pressured to go back to work by family and friends. We also didn't think we could survive on one paycheck since I made more money than my husband did. We struggled to pay for decent day care because I could never make myself work full time. When we found out I was pregnant with our son my husband finally agreed I should be home taking care of our kids.

When that day came I was so happy and then so depressed. It has taken me almost two years to realize I measured my own self-worth by the money I made and the position I held in the medical field. It has only been very recently that I have begun to understand I am worth so much more. Your book and encouragement in my church are giving me a new understanding of how much my husband and children need me. So thank you. I have turned an important corner and changed my focus from "when I go back to work" to "my kids will always need me". I see myself finally as a valuable part of our family and I am getting stronger!


Posted by Staff at 11:30 AM