It Doesn't Have to Be MY Way
July 3, 2013
It Doesn't Have to Be MY Way

I read your daily emails, and especially love the emails from listeners. Recently, one really spoke to me and I had to respond. The author of the email had complained to a friend that while hubby did the laundry, he didn't put things away in the right place. Her friend scolded her and reminded her to be grateful the hubby made the effort and thank him. Very good advice! 

Even though I haven't been given that advice, I learned early on to bite my tongue in similar situations. When I went back to work while my boys were in school, I still did most of the household chores, but HE offered to do the dishes, and boy was I happy. Then I realized that he didn't load the dishwasher the right way (I mean MY way), didn't always put things away, and didn't always do the dishes immediately after dinner like I would. When I was younger, I might have said something to him about it and made him resentful that I didn't appreciate his effort...totally forgetting the essence of his gesture: LOVE. He was taking a burden off my shoulders by helping around the house, and I didn't even have to suggest it!

Fortunately, I'm more mature these days, and I see this gift as it really is. When I see things in the dishwasher in places I wouldn't put them, I leave them unless I can move things around to fit other dishes. If he leaves a clean pan on the counter, I put it away. So what if he doesn't do the dishes immediately after dinner? They are ALWAYS done, in fact, since he's been doing dishes, the sink is almost always empty since he is continually washing up. I admit, he's better at keeping the sink clean than I am, and I've adopted his habits when he's out of town out of respect for him.

Does it bug me when he's doing dishes when I'm making dinner, and making a minor mess? Yep, sometimes it does, but I've never said anything because he's doing something for me to make my life easier, and I am so grateful to have such a good husband. Choose wisely and treat kindly. I did and I am. YOU taught me that!

Thanks for all you do, and keep making a difference in our lives!




Posted by Staff at 11:18 AM