We Were Not a Match
December 20, 2013
We Were Not a Match

Hi, Dr. Laura,

I have been a listener for the last five years and have learned a lot. I am 25 years old and recently ended a relationship with my girlfriend of 18 months. And you are 100% correct when you say it takes about a year and a half to see if the person is a match. My girlfriend liked to stay home, watch movies and was really a couch potato. She worked part-time, went to school part-time, but usually failed all of her classes because she said it was too challenging. I have a masters degree, work full-time, and enjoy hiking, kayaking, going for walks on the beach, going to the movies, spending time with friends/family, and traveling. Anytime I suggested we try one of these activities she would pout and complain the whole time. I saw this while we were dating I thought I could change her. LOL! I understand now why you say dating is not to prepare for a wedding, it is to discern if this is a match. I realize now how important it is to find someone who is a good match for me.

When I told her that I didn't think we were match she said I was being selfish and immature. When she said this I thought, "Thank God I am ending this now and that we will not be getting married." Thank you Dr Laura for always reminding me to make wise decisions and I believe I made a very wise one when I ended this relationship. I am going to continue to work hard so that when I do find the right woman I can be her man. I will work hard so she can stay home to raise our kids and make our house a home. I will also do what you always say men are supposed to do: "PROTECT and PROVIDE"! By the way, I always listen to your podcasts while I hike and between listening to you and being out in nature, I have the perfect form of therapy!

Thanks again, Dr. Laura,


Posted by Staff at 11:30 AM