My Dad, My Example
November 10, 2016
My Dad, My Example

Dear Dr. Laura:

When I was dating my husband, one of the questions that I considered was why I would want him to be the father of my future children.

He was remarkably similar to my dad, who was and is a man I look up to and respect.  My dad was a great example for me to know what to look for in a husband, and now I have two wonderful men in my life who are strong, independent, slow to anger, and fair and understanding in discipline.  My husband loves and respects me, and knows when to step up and take charge with our kids.  He shows me how much he cares for me by doing nice things when he can, even though he is busy with providing for our family of five girls.  I stay at home with them, and we both agreed beforehand that he would do whatever it took to let me do that.

He's a great dad to our little girls and even replaced our swings with pink swings!  "Pink and glitter is just my life now," he says with a smile.  I love him now more than ever and I can even laugh when he plays "dress up princess" (crown and all) with one of our little ones.    I'm glad I gave thought to what he'd be like as a dad before I even considered marrying him.  I definitely made the right choice.


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM