Listening and Learning
October 24, 2012
Listening and Learning

I was listening to your show the other day and thinking to myself that I hope you never retire.  If someday you feel the need to, could we possibly clone you? I guess the tricky part is cloning your brain though.

I want my girls, ages 12 and 15, to have the same opportunity as I've had, being able to listen to your advice and learn from it. I have never had the need to call, which is great and must mean you are doing your job right.  I listen to you while I'm cleaning the house or driving in the car. I love how you put people in their place when needed and am thankful that it is not me on the receiving end.

You are so inspirational, with your advice, how active you are, how you are always trying new things, and how mentally strong you are...what a great role model for everyone.

It's great how you make people responsible for their own actions. Finally, someone strong enough to do that! We truly need more of you in this world.

I love being a wife and mom more than anything in this world and I believe listening to you has made me even better at both. So thank you for sharing your insight with a world that so desperately needs it.

One more thing, I am also amazed at how articulate and eloquently you speak. That's on my wish list for my next life. I am my kids' mom, my husband's girlfriend and Dr. Laura's faithful listener.


Posted by Staff at 2:10 PM