Raising Little Gentlemen
December 1, 2015
Raising Little Gentlemen

Dr. Laura,

I'm thankful for my health, my family, wonderful friends, and the wise people in the world, like you Dr. Laura. I've been married to my fantastic husband 23 years. I am my kids mom to 4 wonderful boys. I'm incredibly fortunate to have been able to be a stay at home mom.

I give you credit because I've been a listener over 20 years. You have reinforced time and time again what's really important in life. You have taught us that life is all about the choices we make. My youngest boys, age 11 and 14, are subjected to you every afternoon on our drive home from school. They get in the car and ask, 'Is Dr. Laura raging today or is she chill?' Ha, they've listened to you enough to know that you can be passionate and intolerant with certain callers. Yet they also get to listen to your compassion and how you reveal your heart to others. I tell my boys that no matter what, you always tell your callers to go "do the right thing".

I've borrowed that saying. Although my older boys, 18 and 20, give me the look when I repeat that, they know that doing the right thing is important. I'm all about raising little gentlemen, it's a lot of work! Whether this gets to the air or not, just wanted you to know you've touched many lives and make a huge difference in this world.

Thanks Dr. Laura. Thank you for your time, loyalty, honesty and  the quick wit you provide day in and day out.

May you find yourself on the water soon!

How do you open your heart to your loved ones? Tell us, by signing up for the FREE Dr. Laura Family and send an email here.  

Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM