I've Never Laughed So Much in My Life
November 25, 2014
I've Never Laughed So Much in My Life

Dr. Laura:

Last week, I heard you discussing the fear of getting out of one's comfort zone. Earlier that day I had an opportunity to be an extra in the filming of a national TV show. I'm not an actor, and don't live anywhere near Hollywood but I thought it might be fun to see a show being filmed, maybe see some celebrities, and hopefully meet some nice people. I'm a 51-year old married woman with two kids, I work from home and don't have a lot of outside contact. And I tend to be on the shy side, so going all alone to do something so completely different is definitely outside of my comfort zone. 

It was very early in the morning, it was at least an hour drive, they were shooting outside in the cold, it might be a long day...but mostly, I was afraid of being all alone with no one to talk to. I was struggling with the decision, but when I heard you talking about getting out of one's comfort zone, it felt as if you were talking directly to me. So with your voice in my head, I bravely committed to going.

As it turned out, I met many interesting people. From the moment I arrived, I struck up a conversation with everyone around me, mostly aspiring actors. What a fun group of people! I've never laughed so much in my life! I even exchanged phone numbers with a few people and have made plans to get together. This is so far from how I imagined it to be. If it weren't for your show, I honestly don't think I would have had the nerve to go and would have missed out on so much. Thank you for all you do! 

Warm regards, 


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM