My Daddy's Advice
August 9, 2016
My Daddy's Advice

Hi Dr. Laura,

My mother never gave me advice that I remember but, my father told me 2 pieces of advice that I've never forgotten! 

  1. "You are who you hang out with.

  2. "If you loan someone money, consider it a gift & never expect to be repaid.

Both, good to follow. Raising my son & daughter, as well as sharing the above words, I give them advice you share with listeners. I keep a 'post-it' board in my home office of any good tidbits you imbue.

  1. Date to discern character 

  2. Choose wisely-treat kindly 

  3. Notice & compliment 

  4. You don't change a man you're dating into the man you want to marry 

  5. If a man cannot support himself, he is not dating material 

  6. When you show kindness to evil ones, you spit on the innocent 

I continue listening every day and share what I learn with my grown kids!

Love & kindness always,


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Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM