That Did It For Me!
February 19, 2015
That Did It For Me!

Back in the '80s you had to go to video stores to rent VHS or Beta and the machines. My then boyfriend and I were in line at one of the rental stores, VHS and VCR in hand, ready to pay for our rental. Wandering around the store was a precious two-year-old. He saw my boyfriend's jeaned pant leg and mistook him for his father. The toddler stood next to my guy and proceeded to wrap his arm around his leg. My boyfriend stood very still and just let it happen. After a minute or two, the sweetie looked up and saw, to his horror, that my boyfriend was not his dad and quickly ran away. I was watching the entire episode wondering how my boyfriend would react. When I asked him what he thought about the incident, future hubby said, 'That felt really good." That did it for me! 

Our two sons are now in their mid-20s and have been raised by the best dad in the world. They are two well-adjusted, good, good men and I couldn't be a prouder mother.

Thanks, Dr. Laura, for being my sounding board all of these years.


Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM