Treating Him As A 'Grown Man'
March 2, 2016
Treating Him As A 'Grown Man'

Hi Dr. Laura,

Just had to comment on your topic today, as I have tried so hard to not become a constant nag and negative force in my household. My personality is more of a leader and I can easily take over and tell everyone what to do, but I am happier when my husband is in control and has more say in the family. I stop myself from taking over by constantly reminding myself how wonderful my husband is and how much he does for all of us every day. There is always something I can appreciate about him and thank him for, and it helps put my complaining into perspective.

I may wish that he would do this and that differently, but he is a grown man and deserves the right to make his own decisions. I want him to feel at home in our house and feel that he's being treated like a "grown man", not a child to be talked down to or constantly corrected. As you say in your book, "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands", the more appreciative of him I am, the more he does for me without my asking.


Thanks for all of your advice and encouragement.


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Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM