Pearls of Doing It Right
October 13, 2014
Pearls of Doing It Right

Dear Dr. Laura, 

I am the former stay-at-home mom of 4 children who are now young adults. I can firmly say that luck had nothing to do with my ability to be at home with the kids for 23 years. It began when my husband and I were dating and we started to talk seriously about marriage. At that time he stated, "When we have kids, I want you to be home with them and raise them." Before the ring I knew his expectations and agreed with them even though it meant moving away from the expensive city I grew up in and my family and CHOOSING to live in the city he grew up in because the cost of living was lower and would allow our kids to still have loving grandparents in their lives. Living on one salary was not easy, no expensive vacations, no luxury cars, we dealt with his job losses and health issues through those years, but still we had fun. 

I recently returned to work. It was out of necessity, not boredom, and while I was scared to death to return to an office job after 23 years, it has turned out to be a surprisingly wonderful, energizing "shot in the arm" for my life. My intent has always been to raise my children to be capable adults, but I had no idea how traumatic it would be to my psyche to actually accomplish that goal! 

Here is a post my daughter made on her Facebook page on her last birthday. It truly is one of those "pearls" we get from our children and because it was an unexpected affirmation that every sacrifice my husband and I made over the years was well worth it: 

Thank you so much for all of the birthday wishes!! To me, this day is just as much about celebrating my parents. Thanking them for the love and commitment they have maintained for one another throughout my life. The love that gave me life, and continues to give me joy every time I see how much they still love each other. Thanking them for the sacrifices they've made in order to make my life easier and more enjoyable. So Mom and Dad, today I celebrate YOU. Thank you, from the tops of the skies to the bottoms of the oceans. I love you.


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM