Quit Now!
August 8, 2016
Quit Now!

I'm writing in response to a caller you had. She was a young, successful lawyer who called and debated the virtues of staying home with her one-year-old daughter--ad naseum. You kept directing her back to quitting her job, and called her selfish. Meantime, my 51-year-old self had spent the morning in tears, tidying-up the house, and waiting for your program.

I'm well loved, but I'm seeking a new purpose. I've been feeling useless. I'm enrolled in a Master's program, but that doesn't quite fill the hole that's been left by not having to be a day-to-day mom to my college-aged daughter. My husband has a successful career and I'm trying to identify a new one, now that my baby is grown. Then I heard that lawyer's call.

I looked over at my 19-year old, snuggled up, reading, in MY bed on this foggy day. It warmed me to think of how she prefers being home and having friends here compared to going out. When she was only a year old, because of your nagging on the radio during my commute, I bailed on what could have been a successful career in media. I did it to stay home with my children. Now, it hit me ONCE AGAIN! While listening to you speak to the attorney, it hit me how I wouldn't trade anything for enriching years I spent at home, in the trenches, with my family.

I wanted to yell at the caller, "QUIT NOW!" Being a wife and mom, with part-time work, here and there, WAS AND IS enough. Thank you for letting me smile after hearing that young attorney.


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Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM