A Liar's Confession
January 7, 2015
A Liar's Confession

Dr. Laura, I lie. And I lie to the most important person in my life: my husband.   He states, "I cleaned the windows. How do you like them?" "Great job," I reply as I looked through the large family room window at the water streaks. 

"I cleaned out the dishwasher for you." "Gee thanks." Why couldn't he put the dishes away instead of putting the dishes on the counter which is not less work for me. 

"Come and watch a documentary with me. I think you will like it." Damn I mentally mumble, I wanted to watch a movie I just got from Neflix that I waited three months for. "Sure, that would be great. I'd love too." 

"You want to go for an early dinner? Damn, I just came from a massage and I wanted to relax. "Sure let me get ready." I've got crease filler in the lines on my face, I hope the restaurant is darkly lit. 

What do get for lying? I have not filled my gas tank for 22 years. I get flowers at least 3 times a month. Sometimes after the movie, the situation becomes more interesting, if you get my drift. He fixes me omelets and tea. Seldom does a day go by that he doesn't kiss me or touch a body part. He opens car doors and lets me go first on elevators and escalators. There is no question in my mind he would swim through shark infested waters with a pack of piranhas following him to get me a lemonade. There are many other things he does to make my life happy as I do his. It is your fault, Dr. Laura that I lie. Your words tumble through my brain. "If you don't do it someone else will." 

Keep up the great work! 


Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM