A Young Listener...
August 4, 2015
A Young Listener...

We've been listeners for a long time.  About 13 years ago, one of our twins drew this picture. I just ran across it about had to share it with you. Our children are now 26, 25, 18 & 18. Our children have grown up listening to you and we've discussed situations hoping they learn how to help themselves as well as friends. We are also self-employed and with our employees being young, we try to guide them when possible. My husband has been through a rough childhood, but has moved on. He is the best husband and father I know. We aren't perfect, but try to live life the best to our ability. 

Thank you again for your broadcast. We love being a part of the Dr. Laura Family Free. 

Much love, 



Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM