My Moment of Insight
April 5, 2016
My Moment of Insight

Hi Dr. Laura:

I thought I'd share a story about how my husband and I handle any disagreements we have.  When we aren't necessarily on the same page, I ask him how he thinks we should handle the situation and then tactfully communicate my take on it.

Years ago, when we had a heated argument one time, he told me that I was always telling him what to do, and that I needed to stop that.  While steam was coming out of my ears at the time, he really did cause me to reflect on my behavior.  I didn't even realize that I was doing that until he said something and I stopped and thought about it.  He's not one of my children, so I should not have talked to him like one.

Since my moment of insight, we have not had any "screaming matches" in about eight years.  Ours is now a peaceful and happy home, and that's reflected in our relationship.


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM