6 Reasons You Should Wait to Have Sex
November 13, 2014
6 Reasons You Should Wait to Have Sex

  1. Women who get physical with a man early on in a relationship expect him to take her emotions seriously, and by and large, frankly my dear, he doesn't give a damn. He's getting some without having to invest much into the relationship. She wants to believe that he cares for her in the same way that she cares for him, and it's very upsetting later on when she discovers that he simply doesn't have those feelings. 

  2. If you have sex too soon, you lose objectivity. Instead of standing back and looking at the situation clearly, you are more likely to try to force a square peg into a round hole. 

  3. If you wait, you'll find out how serious he is about having a relationship and how serious he is about getting some. 

  4. Whether you're religious or not, the female body is a sacred place. Why? Because new life takes place there. Women need to be circumspect concerning with whom and when they make new life. 

  5. If you give it up easily, it sends him a message. It's the same message you send when you're gossiping with a friend; that is, your friend knows you're a gossip which means you're going to gossip about them. If you sleep with a guy immediately, he knows that's what you do. It doesn't make you appealing for the long run - it makes you appealing for the sex run. 

  6. Even though sex is important, the most important aspect of a relationship is general compatibility. Having sex too early makes it very easy to become infatuated, and infatuation is not love - it's a presumption in your mind that your fantasy and that person are a match. 


Posted by Staff at 12:53 PM