The Real Meaning of 'Pro-Choice'
May 13, 2015
The Real Meaning of 'Pro-Choice'

A few months ago, my nephew found out his unborn baby girl was afflicted with Trisomy 18. Her death was a certainty, but there was no way to know when that would occur. He and his wife courageously chose life for her, they chose to nurture and feed her in her mother's womb for as long as her fragile existence could be sustained. She was born at about 8 months and lived a very peaceful few hours so she could experience her family's touch and love even for such a brief life. Her parents could have taken her life in the womb so they wouldn't have to go through the pain of it all, but they chose life for her. As a result, the family has experienced the very deep spiritual peace of holding her and feeling her warmth. An abortion would have robbed all of them, the little girl most of all, of this peace. 

If only all who are given "choice" would chose such a path! 


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM