Parent Your Children Until They Are Out of the House
February 2, 2015
Parent Your Children Until They Are Out of the House

Ten years ago, when my children were four and seven, my husband left for work and was killed in a car accident. It changed my world as I knew it. I don't remember much from that day, but I do remember sitting at the family dining room table with friends surrounding me and saying out loud, "My children's lives will not be ruined by this!"  I dug my heels in, my grief was immense, and I was scared to death, but I got out of bed every day and walked my children into school with my head held high. 

I was lucky those first couple of years.  Between life insurance and social security for my children, I was able to stay at home. Then I worked part time while my kids were in school. 

I tuned into your show one day and I heard you say that after a divorce or death, a parent should raise their children and not involve a boyfriend or girlfriend until the kids are no longer minors and out of the house. You reaffirmed that what I had been doing was right. 

It has been ten years and my kids and I are a good solid family of three. They have not had to grow up and share me with anyone, and they knew if they had something going on, I was going to be there. I think a lot of people in my town wonder why I have not dated. I've heard people say, "Oh she just doesn't think she can replace her husband because he was such a good man." This couldn't be further from the truth. My children mean the world to me, and I look forward with some sadness, but much happiness that they will soon be living a good, responsible, moral adult life because I have given them a solid base. 

As for me -- I am a strong, capable, loving woman.  I am in a good place and it will help me choose a good man. I will never, ever regret the sacrifices I have made. So many women think they need to have a man to make them feel good, but nothing feels better than making good choices for the sake of your children and watching them flourish because of it! 


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM