A Proud Stay-at-Home Mommy
March 31, 2015
A Proud Stay-at-Home Mommy

Dear Dr. Laura, 

I'm writing to personally thank you for the incredible impact you have had on my life. At the age of 23, I started listening to your radio show to help pass time from one sales call to the next - I was in pharmaceutical sales for 6 years. Over the course of those 6 years of listening to you, you changed my heart. 

Ten years ago, I would have never imagined putting my career on hold in order to raise my child. Because society today has the expectation on mothers to work outside the home, I put that same expectation on myself. How foolish of me to think that a day care facility can give the same amount of love and attention as a mommy can. This past fall, my husband and I gave birth to a precious baby boy. Thankfully we had planned ahead and put enough in savings in order for me to leave my job without financial stress. My son is now almost 7 months old and I can proudly say that I have been there to hear his first giggle, see his first rollover, and give him endless hugs and kisses throughout the day. There are hundreds of these priceless moments I would have missed if I had been working. I am so grateful for stumbling upon your show when I did and thereby changing the course of my future. 

Thank you, Dr. Laura, for helping me become a better wife and mother and for continuing to be the voice of every SAHM. 



 P.S. Attached is a photo of my son with our 2 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback "Zuri" 


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM