Texting While Driving
April 2, 2012
Texting While Driving

Dear Dr. Laura,

I felt compelled to send this email to you as I know you have spoken about the dangers of texting while driving. Below is the email and link to a video I received (recorded by a police cam that was directly behind the vehicle):

Not only should it remind us of the consequences involved with distracted driving but also how quickly bad things can happen. The sickening feeling you'll get from watching the video is much easier to take knowing that sharing this and other similar may prevent similar incidents.

Thanks to D. Norton for this Safety Share:

It was determined after the accident the driver of the SUV was texting right up until the crash. If you think that big vehicles will protect you when you're texting. WATCH THIS! And most importantly, share it with your friends and family. Folks, texting and driving is STUPID. And, I'm not sorry if that hurts your feelings. I might just save MY life in saying it.


I hope this might reiterate the dangers of texting while driving!

Best regards,


Posted by Staff at 4:01 PM