Do You Remember When?
June 27, 2014
Do You Remember When?


Dear Dr. Laura,

Twenty some odd years ago I brought my wife and two young sons to your Lake Arrowhead live remote show on a warm Saturday morning. By the time we arrived, the grassy area was full of people so we took a seat next to the steps at the foot of the stage. During the course of the afternoon, many individuals came to the microphone asking you questions for your expert advice.

Toward the end of the day, one young girl got up and asked what she should do because one of her friends had called her stupid. You told her not to be upset because everybody gets called stupid sometime during their lives. You then asked the crowd for a show of hands of anyone who had never been called stupid in their lifetime. I believe it was your husband that pointed out to you the only hand that went up in the audience. Toward your right at the bottom of the stairs, our 6-year-old son was frantically waving his hand to be noticed. You laughed and said he was too young to be counted.

That was the first Dr. Laura Show that my wife and I ever listened to. For the next two decades we listened to your radio show every chance we got. It was a sad day when we learned you were leaving terrestrial radio; however, it was a fantastic day when we recently learned you had a talk show on SiriusXM. We immediately signed up. It was like finding an old friend that you haven't heard from in a while. Dr. Laura, please don't ever stop giving callers the excellent advice that these people need to hear. You are the sane voice in an insane world that is making a difference in so many lives. Keep up the phenomenal work.

Best Regards,



Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM