The Absurdity of Undeserved Forgiveness
October 21, 2014
The Absurdity of Undeserved Forgiveness

Just taking this opportunity to again thank you for your wise teachings of the 4 R's of forgiveness: Responsibility, Remorse, Repair, No Repeat. 

I had a husband who continually cheated on me and I was told by him, as well as my pastor, that I must never stop forgiving him. It didn't matter he never apologized or made any effort to change his ways. After all, that was what the Bible instructed us to do and if I was to be a good Christian woman that is what I was required to do. I about lost my mind. I was hospitalized for 2 weeks and put on strong tranquilizers for months. It wasn't until I heard your teachings that I began to get well. Thank the heavens for you. You were the voice of sanity in an insane situation. I left the fool. I also left the church. The religious teachings to simply forgive is, in my opinion now, absurd. Your lesson of the 4 R's is invaluable to maintaining a sound mind. No one should be subjected to disrespect and humiliation, no one. I'm so grateful for you. You saved me, Dr. Laura, literally. I so admire your common sense and wisdom and will feel indebted to you forever. 


Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM