What's Wrong with Step-Parenting
April 8, 2014
What's Wrong with Step-Parenting

Dear Dr. Laura,

I'm a lawyer, psychologist, and co-host of the Fatal Vows series about divorces-turned-deadly on the Investigation Discovery network. Without knowing it, you influenced me strongly to take my "message" about personal responsibility out of the courtroom, out of the therapy room, and into the national discourse, so, first and foremost, thank you for modeling for me what I wanted to do.

I'm writing today specifically because our second season of Fatal Vows ended yesterday with an all-day marathon, and in the final episode of the season which premiered at the end of the marathon, I expressed dismay about how many of our cases involve failed attempts at step-parenting. Well, that drew the expected backlash, so I decided to take to my "Dear Dr. Brian" blog and answer a question tweeted to me by a female viewer who ironically admitted having been a stepmother TWICE wanting to know "What's wrong with it?"   Well, here's my response: In case you can ever use a wholeheartedly-concurring second expert opinion on the minefield that is step-parenting, I'd be honored for you to have my response at your disposal, which is available here: Why I'm Sour on Step-Parenting

Thanks again for everything,

Brian Russell, PhD, JD, MBA
Psychologist, Attorney, and Investigation Discovery Co-Host

Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM