A Happy, Fulfilled, Spoiled Stay-at-Home Mom
September 5, 2014
A Happy, Fulfilled, Spoiled Stay-at-Home Mom

Dear Dr. Laura,

I am raising a smart, funny, content 13-month-old boy without the help of a nanny or a day care. I work from home, eighteen hours per week, with my little guy by my side or most often while he naps. This morning while my son cried, it was ME who was there to soothe him. Then we both moved on to playtime. As he giggled with me over a puzzle, I thought how lucky I am that we spend all of our time together. As my husband says, "He doesn't know the world without you," and it's true. I wouldn't have it any other way.

My husband comes home from work to a happy baby, a happy mommy, and a warm home. But we aren't lucky; in fact your show reminds me that both my husband and I work very hard to be able to put our child first. It is a choice, not luck that gives us this happy life. We live in an area where many parents are dual income. We watch while they buy new cars each year, go on lavish vacations, and dump their kids on others while they work on their careers. We do not look to them with envy; instead we enjoy activities like long walks with our sweet boy and German shepherd, picnics in the park and spending time together as a family. I would choose time with my guys over a vacation any day.

Thank you for standing up for those of us who choose to be full-time moms; it's the most important job in the world.

With gratitude,

Kelly, a HAPPY, fulfilled, spoiled stay-at-home mom


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM