How to Raise Well-Behaved Children
October 27, 2014
How to Raise Well-Behaved Children

Dr. Laura, 

I am the proud mother of seven children, and yes I gave birth to all of them. I raised all my children with the same consistent values, principals and rules of the game from the first to the last. In addition I raised them myself for the last 10 years when my "wasband" left and decided the women in Thailand were much more exciting. 

My plan is simple on how to raise well-behaved children. I am the head of my household. They will never be. I established that from the get go. If they look at me funny, back-talk me or call me names, we have a problem.  I make the rules, and I will not consult or negotiate those rules with them....evvvvverrr.  They are to be respectful with their elders and watch their language and behavior around both them and small children. If they misbehave on the school bus, I don't care what the school's policy is, I give my permission on the first day of school to the driver to boot them off. They are not to come home and tell me how mean their teacher is.  I expect them to understand her perspective; she has to put up with 35 yard apes every day. She deserves a huge reward just for showing up. 

I teach my children to be responsible for their own behavior and actions and never address an issue until I have a clear understanding of their contribution. They are to eat what is put before them and be grateful they have something to eat. "No" is a word they will get to know well because there will be more nos in life than yesses. I love them enough to teach them about life and its rewards and consequences. If they learn to deal with them, they will be well-equipped in life and I have done my job. Oh, and if they don't like me at least 10 times per week then I know I am on the right track as their parent. 


P.S.: Dr. Laura, I am a personal trainer and an Ironman.  I believe in pushups, burpees, running and biking are wonderful deterrents to ants in the pants... just my two cents.

Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM