Help for Stopping Procrastination
November 12, 2012
Help for Stopping Procrastination

My wise, wonderful, loving, but not perfect mother-in-law would have a to-do list. Anything that didn't get done was saved for the next day. Her plan of attack was to do FIRST the chore she dreaded the most. Otherwise, she found herself procrastinating on doing it day after day with a dark cloud, growing daily, still hanging over her. When she did that dreaded chore, usually first thing in the morning, it took the weight of the world off of her shoulders. She was able to take on the rest of the day without batting an eyelash. She could often complete many more items on her to-do list that same day.

I can be the "Queen of Procrastination" when it come to making necessary phone calls or writing notes, especially thank-you notes. The more time that goes by, the guiltier I feel. You can't imagine how good it feels to have those tasks behind when you've completed them.


Posted by Staff at 3:24 PM