Is This Your First Marriage?
April 22, 2014
Is This Your First Marriage?

Dr. Laura

I was in the hospital, minutes after my grandma passed away, when a sweetheart nurse asked me a question, after my husband went out to start the vehicle. "Is this your first marriage?"  "Ummm YES!" This is not the first time I have gotten this kind of question. I have also gotten it in the form of "Are you still with your son's biological father?" WHY are these questions even thought to be acceptable?!? I didn't have my son on purpose just to leave his father. I didn't get married to my husband just to find another one later. Keep in mind I am 'only' 28 years old and I am finding society's views on 'normal' to be anything but normal.

My husband and I have been together almost 11 years and married almost 8. My husband worked as an over-the-road truck driver until recently. He then took a job at the local co-op so he is home every night. He did this because he was missing too much time with our son.

I was beginning to think our lifestyle was abnormal. I am a stay-at-home mom and we live within our means - not always having the newest or nicest things. I am great at bargain shopping. After I picked up your book, "Stupid Things Parents Do to Mess Up Their Kids", I felt like I had found someone who understood. We don't have a brand new house or car, but we don't need them either. So many people are caught up on spending money they forget to spend TIME with each other. Thankfully, I am able to stay home with our son, take him to and from school and now since his Type 1 Diabetes diagnoses, I go the school every day to give him his insulin with lunch. My husband and son are my world. I do odd jobs that allow for a little extra money, but they don't interfere with our family time.

I cooked lunch at a local day care for 8 months this past year and I was APPALLED at how the kids were treated: Like dolls in a toy factory. The workers were inconvenienced to be there and the kids kept acting out, crying and calling the staff 'Mommy'. It broke my heart.  I'm SO glad I didn't choose to dump my son off there just for some extra cash. Yes, money gets tight, but we didn't have him so others could raise him.



Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM