Weathering the Storm
August 31, 2016
Weathering the Storm

Thank you for the quote about remaining calm when little people are overwhelmed. Our family was affected by the flood in Columbia, South Carolina last October. We are so proud of the way our son and daughter-in-law handled their 8-year-old and 5-year-old.

We thought they would be traumatized for life after having to evacuate their home in the middle of the night; seeing water pouring into their yard and home. But with bravery, determination, poise and love everyone seems to have weathered the storm. They are slowly they are returning to normal activities and school.

It just goes to show that you are right in reminding us to share our calm instead of joining their chaos. Although, the parents were affected by the chaos too they overcame their fears for the sake of the children.

Thank you,

A proud and grateful NANA 

How do you help keep your child calm in a dangerous situation? Send us an email and tell us, by signing up for the FREE Dr. Laura Family and send an email here.


Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM