A General Observation of Millennials
August 6, 2015
A General Observation of Millennials

I have to say I don't like labelling an entire group of society into one lump. With that being said, I am finding it so very frustrating that so many 20-somethings seem to fit into the "Kardashian/only me" mold. Their face is in the cell phone at all times and constantly taking hundreds of "selfies". Why on earth are these young adults so concerned with this lifestyle? I have witnessed it time and again. It truly frightens me to know how they think. "What does my hair look like?" "I can only drive this car and my clothes must be like these..."  "Look at her, she's so not with it." I could go on and on. Is it my age showing? I really wish more young adults would tune into you Dr. Laura. Or even better, the parents who raised them with the "you are so beautiful" attitude would listen to your show. I have also witnessed the parents falling into the same behavior and they think it's cute! They know nothing of the real world going on around them and don't seem to care. 

I know this is a negative statement on youth. I just find it so frustrating that I eliminate my time spent with them. And unfortunately, I have eliminated out of my life almost all of the young people who I watched grow up and genuinely liked.  I just have no patience for them as adults. Please tell me this will change as they get older and wiser. Or what I should be doing to change. I was the "average" 20-something in my day, today's young adults seem to be a whole new ballgame. 



Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM