The Kind of Character That Counts
September 28, 2015
The Kind of Character That Counts

I knew my spouse was the right one because of these two things:  

My husband and I had been friends before we started to date, so we knew quite a bit about each other. One evening he said to me, "Tell me something I don't know about you." Now, this was the perfect opening for a conversation I had been dreading. "Well, I am a virgin and don't believe in sex outside of marriage." Not exactly the answer he was expecting. The reason I was dreading this is because I really liked him; typically in my past dating life, right after this conversation the guy always just happens to lose my phone number. He was silent for a moment, then said, "I really respect that."

The second thing is an incident that happened when we were cycling together. I was new to road biking. We had been on a long, smooth downhill ride, and had gone much farther than planned. It was late, and he was getting hungry.  Then I ran over something and got a flat. I didn't have my spare tubes or anything with me. I have yet to meet the man who can be patient when he is hungry, and it was very stupid of me to not be prepared. He calmly got out his patch kit and gave me a very thorough tutorial on how to patch and reinforce a punctured tire without a word of reproach. He turned what should have been a lecture about being unprepared into a teaching moment, and I thought to myself that this was the man I wanted to be the father of my kids. 

We have been married for 5 years now, and have two wonderful girls, and these have been the best 5 years of my life. He is the best man I know.  

Thanks for all that you do, 


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM