Stayed Home with 5 Kids
March 26, 2015
Stayed Home with 5 Kids

Dear Dr. Laura, 

I love your podcasts. I just heard a call from a young mother who is feeling unproductive staying at home with her 10-month-old. There was never a question if I would stay home with my 5 kids. The last 2 are still living with us and we are having the best time with them. It wasn't always easy and I admit that I was a bit fanatical about a clean house but I have wonderful memories with my kids. We did all the things you talk about and we homeschooled for 15 years before putting the last 2 in school. 

I just want to tell that young mother to cherish each and every moment with her daughter. The time when they are little goes by way too quickly and they are grown before you know it. My kids are everything to me and I do wish I would have enjoyed the "everydays" with them more. Life did become a drudgery at times and I regret losing sight of the enjoyment that they always brought to me. All I can say to young mothers is ENJOY YOUR KIDS! 


Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM