Changing My Life
January 15, 2015
Changing My Life

Dear Dr. Laura, 

I bought a new car in the last year and now have Sirius XM Radio. I discovered your program one day and I have to admit at first I was shocked at how blunt you were with your callers. So in the beginning I was just listening for the entertainment value because I thought you were outrageous. But the longer I listened the more I realized you were right on. 

Since I work full-time, I subscribe to your podcasts. Now every morning instead of turning on the TV while I eat my breakfast, I listen to you and the same goes for my dinner hour. On the weekends while I'm listening sometimes my sister will call and she listens through the phone. She loves you, too. 

As I listen to each caller, I focus on how their situation could be applied to my life and that has helped me deal with my family members. The other day it hit me that you represent the mother I never had and it was very comforting. Your guidance has helped me become more centered and a better person. My sister told me she even has noticed a difference in me since I started listening to your program. So thank you, Dr. Laura, for "doing the right thing" and changing so many lives for the better. 



Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM