Boats Are Built to Withstand Rocking
June 18, 2015
Boats Are Built to Withstand Rocking

Dr. Laura, 

Fewer men are getting married because they simply don't have to. They are allowed to receive some of the personal, intimate benefits of marriage without experiencing the enviable challenges. When difficulty rears its head, they head for the door. They will never know that real intimacy is enhanced by challenge. Women in these relationships spend so much time trying not to rock the boat because they know these men will leave them. 

A truly committed man will not run from you in difficult times. He will run towards you because he knows that boats are built to withstand rocking. A woman with self-respect, dignity and a sense of self-worth knows that a boat that cannot withstand rocking is defective. 

Shame on these males and shame on these females for their participation in this hideous charade. 


Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM