Dating Deal Breakers
June 4, 2015
Dating Deal Breakers

I feel like a broken record here, but I'm going to recap some dating deal breakers. If you see one of these red flags when you take inventory of your relationship, it's time to hit the eject button. 
  • If they are constantly late, get rid of them. I don't care what their reason is - it's disrespectful. 

  • If they drink too much, don't make excuses for them and don't stick around! 

  • If they trash talk their ex, it's a sign they're living in the past. They are of no use to your present relationship. 

  • If they don't introduce you to family and friends, there's something wrong. They are either keeping you a secret, or your relationship isn't serious to them. 

  • If they have poor hygiene, dump them. They should be trying to impress you, and you should be trying to impress them. It works both ways. 

  • If they have no friends, maybe you shouldn't be with them either!  Think about why they have no friends, especially if they want to monopolize all of your time and insist that you only do what they want to do. 
The bottom line is, it's your responsibility to figure out what is non-negotiable for you. You can't change anyone, so don't try. Decide what your deal breakers are, and stick to them! 

Posted by Staff at 12:01 AM