Gaining Altitude
March 24, 2016
Gaining Altitude

Hi Dr. Laura,

People today are no longer made of sturdy stuff. I was the last of eight children and my mother was a stay at home mom while my father was a laborer. Yes, we were without many things, there were many hardships, but we were a together family.

By today's standards, they couldn't afford to have eight children. They found a way and they made it work. It was all about attitude and faith in God, which they passed on to us. Robert Schuller once said, "Your attitude determines your altitude."

I do not believe in the concept of not being able to afford a child. The idea that a child must be wanted was not even a thought for decades. Wanting a child or not is a modern idea that birth control made possible. I think birth control is a curse, not a blessing. The behaviors it produced are destructive to society. Women from earlier ages were made of sturdier stuff out of necessity. And they were proud to be good mothers. They accepted their many children, many of whom were unplanned. I could write a book about how a large poor family can survive and thrive, that affordability is overrated. Large families can survive as long as they have housing, food, clothing, and medical care.

My three children helped pay for their own educations, because my wife was a stay at home mom and we only had one salary. Children from all families, rich or poor, have to be taught to work for things they want. The work ethic they develop will serve them well for the rest of their lives. They will become sturdy human beings too if we de-program them from the ideas which limit them.

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Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM