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5 Tips for Dealing with an Annoying Coworker

Is one of your coworkers driving you bananas? Here’s how to deal with it:

  1. Don’t lose your cool. The worst thing you can do is pop your cork. That’s what everybody is going to see and remember. When you scream and yell, the annoying person becomes the victim. Avoid confrontation whenever possible.

  2. Talk it out. If your coworker seems like a reasonable person, calmly try to have a discussion about the problem. However, if they start arguing back, stop right then and there.

  3. Focus on your work. This might be difficult if the person is also involved in your work. If that’s the case, go to a boss, HR manager, or supervisor and say that we need help working together on this project. That way, it doesn’t look like you’re snitching behind their back.

  4. Take a break. Walk outside. Look out the window. Put on headphones. Take 5.

  5. Remind yourself that this is how you earn a living. Ultimately, there may be nothing you can do, and you simply have to stay positive by any means necessary. Whether it’s yoga or prayer, whatever helps you, use it. Most importantly, don’t bring it home with you. Otherwise, you’re allowing strife to beget strife.

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Tags: Attitude, Job, Mental Health, Personal Responsibility, Stress, Tips, Values
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