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Email of the Day

A Dr. Laura Convert

Dear Dr. Laura,

A few years ago, I moved from New York City to the Pennsylvania suburbs and instead of commuting by subway I started a 45 minute commute by car - each way - 5 days a week. I struggled with finding radio programs to hold my interest while stuck in rush hour traffic. One day, I was flipping through my radio stations and accidentally happened upon one of your programs already in progress. At first I was shocked (imagine me with my mouth hanging open) as I heard you dole out advice that didn't beat around the bush - asking one woman if she wanted to be an unpaid whore (by living with her boyfriend) and asking another woman (who had called to complain about her new husband leaving things all around the house) why she was such a bitch.

Although at first I started listening to you out of pure entertainment, it didn't take long before your advice and messages started to sink in and really resonate with me. That woman who was complaining about her new husband sounded a lot like me. She was making a fuss over the fact he hadn't put the toilet paper back in the special container she had purchased for it. She kept nit-picking all of these "annoying" things he was doing. That particular call changed me and quite possibly saved my marriage.

You asked that young woman was she someone SHE would want to come home to... And I thought to myself, ohhhhh boy... I'm this woman. My poor husband has enough crap to deal with at work and with everyone else in his life. I'm supposed to be his best friend, the one who makes him feel happy to be home, the one who is on his team!

Since that call there have been many others like it. Each time is a reminder to focus on what is really important in my relationship. And to not be so darn petty!

I am one of your listeners who may not agree with 100% of what you believe in, but I think that's what makes my fandom even more special. I love listening to you and you make me think. Even if it's something I don't completely agree with - you make me consider the alternatives and explore why I do the things I do and believe what I believe.

Thank you for being so smart, so intuitive, and so available to your audience. Thank you for helping those of us who may not feel the need to call in, but get so much guidance just by listening.

I wanted to be a psychologist, but my career path changed. Listening to you makes me want to give advice and therapy to others as it is a gift I believe I have to give. But I would definitely need to attend the School of Dr. Laura. So if you are ever thinking about having an apprentice or a Dr Laura in training - I'd love to be that person!

Thank you again and I look forward to listening for a long long time to come!


Tags: Read On-Air, Regarding Dr. Laura
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