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Email of the Day

A Firecracker on SiriusXM!!!
IconDr. Laura, I have been listening to you since 2006 and I love your motherly passionate voice and awesome radio show. I was nervous when you morphed into something new - but to my utter surprise, I love listening to you on iTunes podcast via Dr. Laura Family Plus. I am glad I did not have to subscribe to SiriusXM, because the only channel I wanted was yours! Dr Laura, you are even better now that you have moved to SiriusXM. I can tell your voice and opinions are less censored now and it is so refreshing. The new openings are so funny! The one I just heard on this podcast is the one where you talk about liking the Marlboro Man vs. a girly girl man and you said you would honestly ask him if he were on the "down low"...Dr Laura, I laughed so hard, my pet parrot imitated me! Thanks for being so cool! I wish I could say I listened to you as a kid, but unfortunately my mother can't stand you. She says you are mean and rude. I think, on the contrary, you are real and to the point. I respect that about you. You are my official second mom and role model. I sure listen to you a lot more than I do her!!! I have learned so much more in the second half of my life and I give that credit to you. The music and openings are great! Tell Mr. Shapiro he is doing a great job! And Kimberly does a great job too! Love your pseudo-daughter, Lisa
Tags: Regarding Dr. Laura
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