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Email of the Day

Changing My Marriage, My Mindset, and My Life

Dr. Laura:

I have been married for seven years.  After listening to friends and family members tell me that my wifely and motherly duties and expectations were "abuse" served up by my husband, I felt overwhelmed.  I started resenting my husband.  I blamed him for everything, including my own mood for the day!  After several years, and more prompting by my friends, I kicked him out of our house.  After all, he was lazy and look at all the things he had the nerve to make me do - cooking, cleaning, taking care of his children, and never a single thank you.  How dare he!

Once we were separated, I started to see the real truth about my so-called friends.  I was suddenly "dumb" or "stupid" for not putting kids in daycare, or I was crazy for wanting to spend an entire day with my kids.  I was told I must be really depressed if I was content being home with nobody but my children.  That's when I started to dump those friends from my life.

Then my mother-in-law insisted I read "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands."  Your entire book smacked me square in the face.  How could I have forgotten to be my husband's girlfriend?  How did I not see how ridiculously simple it was to make my husband happy?  Luckily, my husband and I were able to get back together, and he can't stop commenting on the difference in me.  He is now my priority, and I will never neglect him again.  Thank you for changing my mindset, which has changed my marriage and my life.

Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly, Marriage, Personal Responsibility, The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, Values
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