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Letters From Listeners

Cleaning Up After a Messy Toddler
Dr. Laura,

The best advice you ever gave me was that all my husband needs to be happy is "sex and homemade cookies."  Never have I received better advice for my marriage. I want to thank you again for completely changing my life. I know we will most likely never meet, but you seriously are one of my heroes and someone I truly respect and admire. Thank you for making me a better person.

But that is not why I am writing. I am writing to tell you that in addition to everything else, you helped me give up being a nurse to stay at home with my 2 kiddos (2 1/2 and 2 months). Today I was holding the baby and watching my 2 1/2 year old son discover how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the first time. It was such a cute moment. And after I am done with this email, while I am scrubbing peanut butter and jelly off the cupboards, drawers, and floor, I will still have a smile on my face and be so happy that I WAS THERE for that moment...ME! And after he finished making it, it was ME who he was able to show the finished masterpiece to and smile at with his peanut butter covered face. I'm so happy I AM HERE to let my toddler make fun messes and that I AM HERE to clean up after my him.

Thank you for everything!

Tags: Attitude, Benefits of being a SAHM, Happiness, Health, Kids, Parenting, SAHM, Stay at home mom, Stay-at-Home Mom
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